• Office of Transformation and Innovation
  • STEM/STEAM Choice Schools

    Middle school science experiment   

    STEM/STEAM schools encourage problem solving, inquiry, and investigation, equipping students with the necessary expertise to be the nation’s leaders in these quantitative fields in the most in-demand careers.  This is accomplished through a cross  disciplinary thinking approach to all endeavors.

    For more information about the Science/Technology/Engineering/Math (STEM) and Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Math (STEAM) programs as Dallas ISD, please visit /stem.

    The STEM/STEAM Innovation Continuum is a tool that fosters a growth mindset as educators reflect and self-identify successes and areas of need. As we refine and grow in our practices, we ensure that each campus has the highest quality program for all students.

     Elementary Schools 

    Middle Schools 

    High Schools (9th - 12th)

     Solar girls in green room

    Visit  designed as a hub of resources for campuses shifting to implement a  STEM/STEAM instructional model.