PowerSchool Student Information System
The Dallas Independent School District's student information system, Chancery, will be replaced with the PowerSchool student information system. PowerSchool provides a unified solution for our parents, teachers, and administration staff. This new system will enhance our current school administration, classroom instruction and family engagement tools. PowerSchool SIS will become the student information system of record for the 2018-2019 school year.
PowerSchool Provides:
- A integrated Teacher Gradebook
- Real-time Parent and Student Portal
- Family Management
- Mobile Solutions
- Course Registration
- PowerScheduler and much more.
What does this mean for Teachers, Students and Central Staff?
Chancery SMS will no longer be our student system of record. Historical data will be migrated to the new system and all new student demographic data will be submitted using PowerSchool SMS. Gradespeed will also be replaced with PowerTeacher Pro.
- Teachers will have a fully integrated gradebook within the student information system within one log in. Teacher will have attendace and grade reporting available in realtime.
- Parents will have the ability to view real-time grades, assignments and attendance for all their students from their Parent Portal.
- Students will be able to view missing grades, assignments and attendance as soon as teachers click the submit button. Students will continue tohave access to select courses for upcoming academic years all from the student portal.
How will users be trained?
Training will be providedthrough distance learning courses and lab based trainings. The IT department and School Leadership have teamed up to provide training to target users. Phase I of the training plan will be directed towards all our Principals, Data Controllers, Academic Facilitators and Campus Intructional Coaches. School Leadership is in the process of scheduling Master Scheduling training and will schedule each campus to a specific date, time and location. For questions in regards Master Schedule training assignment please email MichThomas@dallasisd.org
Is there training documentation?
We would like to invite all District student information system users to sign up for PowerSource. PowerSource is a online document and video library with How To's on the different modules available from PowerSchool. Users will have the ability to view distance learning courses on taking attendance and using the PowerTeacher Pro GradeBook.
How can I get access to PowerSource?
- For instructions on how to set up your powersource account click here.
- To log in visit
PowerSchool will also provide catered training documentation for every module within our student system. These will be housed within the Training and Applications department website. A link to these documents can be found on the quick links section of this page.